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Deploying applications to Glassfish Server using Cargo Maven Plugin

The legacy official maven-glassfish-plugin is discontinued, but there is a better alternative existed. Cargo project provide a common way to deploy the applications into Jakarta EE application servers by maven plugin, Ant tasks, and pure Java APIs. Most of the popular application servers are got supported. Generally, it provides 3 approaches to deploy applications.

Most of the application servers support remote and local deployment.

Deploying to a running Glassfish server

The following is using a maven profile to configure the remote deployment.

							<!--   <cargo.remote.username>admin</cargo.remote.username>
				<!-- provides JSR88 client API to deploy on Glassfish/Payara Server -->

It depends on the Glassfish deployment client, and if you have set the admin password in the target Glassfish server, try to set the related properties.

Before deploying, make sure the Glassfish is running, then execute the following command to start deployment.

mvn package cargo:deploy -Pglassfish-remote

After it is deployed successfully, try to access the sample API endpoint.

Deploying to a local Glassfish server

Similarly, I use another maven profile to configure the local Glassfish server. You can use an existing Glassfish or download a fresh copy for deployment purpose as the following.

				<!-- provides JSR88 client API to deploy on Glassfish/Payara Server -->


Run the following command to start the application server and deploy the application to the server.

mvn clean package cargo:run -Pglassfish-local

The maven-dependency-plugin will download a copy of Glassfish distribution and extract the files, then cargo:run goal will start the server, and deploy the application finally.

More info about Cargo maven plugin for Glassfish, see here.