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Deploying applications to WildFly Server - The Hard Way

Download a copy of WildFly, and extract files into your local system.

Start and Stop WildFly Server

In the <WildFly dir>/bin folder, there are a few command tools used to manage WildFly server.

Open your terminal, enter <WildFly dir>/bin.

Execute the following command to start WildFly Servers in standalone mode.

# Linux
# windows

Execute the following command to start WildFly Servers in domain mode.

# Linux
# windows

To stop a running WildFly Server, jus terminate the process by Ctrl+C.

Deploy applications

Firstly package the application into a war package.

# mvn clean package
[INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.2:war (default-war) @ jakartaee8-starter ---

[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [jakartaee8-starter] in [D:\hantsylabs\jakartaee8-starter\target\jakartaee8-starter]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [D:\hantsylabs\jakartaee8-starter\src\main\webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [65 msecs]
[INFO] Building war: D:\hantsylabs\jakartaee8-starter\target\jakartaee8-starter.war
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  12.449 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-02-18T17:50:43+08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

After it done there is a jakartaee8-starter.war is located in the target folder.

Copy this file to <WildFly dir>/standalone/deployments.

In the WildFly console, you will see the following deployment info.

17:54:48,491 INFO  [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) WFLYDR0001: Content added at location D:\appsvr\wildfly\standalone\data\content\ac\d8ebc6d4327b6e9b1ec92b10186d2fe7fdda89\content
17:54:48,515 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-3) WFLYSRV0027: Starting deployment of "jakartaee8-starter.war" (runtime-name: "jakartaee8-starter.war")
17:54:52,510 INFO  [org.jboss.weld.deployer] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYWELD0003: Processing weld deployment jakartaee8-starter.war
17:54:53,474 INFO  [org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.Version] (MSC service thread 1-4) HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.0.17.Final
17:54:53,932 INFO  [org.jboss.weld.Version] (MSC service thread 1-3) WELD-000900: 3.1.2 (Final)
17:54:53,987 INFO  [org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry] (MSC service thread 1-8) ISPN000128: Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Infinity Minus ONE +2' 9.4.16.Final
17:54:54,396 INFO  [io.smallrye.metrics] (MSC service thread 1-2) MicroProfile: Metrics activated
17:54:54,453 INFO  [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 76) WFLYCLINF0002: Started client-mappings cache from ejb container
17:54:55,626 INFO  [org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 76) RESTEASY002225: Deploying class com.example.JaxrsActivator
17:54:55,787 INFO  [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 76) WFLYUT0021: Registered web context: '/jakartaee8-starter' for server 'default-server'
17:54:55,883 INFO  [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "jakartaee8-starter.war" (runtime-name : "jakartaee8-starter.war")

To undeploy an applicaiton, just delete jakartaee8-starter.war.deployed in the <WildFly dir>/standalone/deployments.

In the WildFly console, there is undeployment info displayed.

17:57:41,787 INFO  [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 1) WFLYSRV0009: Undeployed "jakartaee8-starter.war" (runtime-name: "jakartaee8-starter.war")

Add an administration user

Admin user is required to access management console or remote deployment from Maven plugin, etc.

Enter <WildFly dir>/bin , execute add-user to add a user.

# add-user

What type of user do you wish to add?
 a) Management User (
 b) Application User (

Enter the details of the new user to add.
Using realm 'ManagementRealm' as discovered from the existing property files.
Username : admin
User 'admin' already exists and is disabled, would you like to...
 a) Update the existing user password and roles
 b) Enable the existing user
 c) Type a new username
(a): b
Updated user 'admin' to file 'D:\appsvr\wildfly\standalone\configuration\'
Updated user 'admin' to file 'D:\appsvr\wildfly\domain\configuration\'
Updated user 'admin' with groups null to file 'D:\appsvr\wildfly\standalone\configuration\'
Updated user 'admin' with groups null to file 'D:\appsvr\wildfly\domain\configuration\'
Press any key to continue . . .

There is an existing admin user , just enable it. If you want to update the password and roles, run add-user again, the select a) Update the existing user password and roles in the second step, input your new password, add it to the required groups. There are seven groups available in WildFly.

Assign Administrator role to admin user.