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Deploying Jakarta EE 9 applications to Payara using Cargo maven plugin

Payara Community 5.2020.5 has introduced tech preview functionality to run Jakarta EE 9 on Payara Server and Micro, more details please go to the release notes.

Payara is driven from Glassfish project, but it includes a bundle of new features that not existed in Glassfish.

Payara is also an open source project, for developers, you use Community edition as an alternative to Glassfish to get better development experience.


Make sure you have installed the following software.

Deploy to local Payara server

Cargo maven plugin provides a separate payara container for Payara server.

Assume you have downloaded a copy of Payara Community dist, and extracted the files into your local disk.

Add the following configuration in pom.xml to use the existing Payara domain configuration to run your Jakarta EE 9 applications on the local Payara server.

	<glassfish.home>[ Payara install dir]</glassfish.home>

The above configuration is almost same as the one we have discussed in previous Glassfish post, here we used containerId payara.

Run the following command to deploy your application to the Payara server.

mvn clean package cargo:run -Ppayara-local

It will build the project and packaged it into a war in the target folder, then starts up Payara server using the existing domain1 configuration, and finally deploy the war to the running server.

If you want to use a refresh domain configuration to run your applications, try to set the configuration type to standalone. Change the server configuration section to the following.


It will create a new domain configuration before starting Payara server.

In a CI server, you can use a Dependency maven plugin to prepare a refresh copy of Payara server.


Change the property glassfish.home to the following.


To stop the server, just send a CTRL+C to the running console to stop it.

Deploy to a running Payara server

Use a remote deployer and runtime configuration, you can use Cargo maven plugin to deploy the application to a running Payara, esp. the Payara server is located in a remote server.

	<!-- provides JSR88 client API to deploy on Glassfish/Payara Server -->

The above configuration is almost same as the one from Glassfish doc.

For a remote container, you can not start and stop the Payara server. Make sure it is running, use deploy and undeploy goals to perform the deploy and undeploy tasks.

# deploy applications
mvn clean package cargo:deploy -Ppayara-remote

# undeploy
mvn cargo:undeploy -Ppayara-remote

Verifying the deployed application

When the application is deployed successfully, use curl to verify if the deployed application is running.

curl http://localhost:8080/jakartaee9-starter-boilerplate/api/greeting/Hantsy
{"message":"Say Hello to Hantsy at 2020-11-14T15:56:10.099"}

Note: In fact, you can use glassfish5x containerId to deploy Jakarta EE 9 applications to Payara server, and in reverse I think it is also fine when using payara containerId to deploy the application to Glassfish v6.

Grab the source codes from my github.