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Handling File Upload/Download with Spring WebFlux and Spring Data R2dbc

In last post, we have explored how to persist binary data into Postgres database using R2dbc/Spring Data R2dbc. In this post, we continue to discuss how to handle file upload and download via Spring WebFlux stack, and of course we will reuse the persistence work in the previous post.

Let’s work on the existing project we used in the previous post.

Create a controller PostController, then add 3 methods mapped to 3 endpoints.

class PostController {

    private final PostRepository posts;

    public Flux<PostSummary> all(@RequestParam(required = true, defaultValue = "") String title,
                                 @RequestParam(required = true, defaultValue = "0") Integer page,
                                 @RequestParam(required = true, defaultValue = "10") Integer size
    ) {
        return posts.findByTitleLike("%" + title + "%", PageRequest.of(page, size));

    public Mono<ResponseEntity> create(@RequestBody CreatePostCommand data) {
                .map(saved -> ResponseEntity.created(URI.create("/posts/" + saved.getId())).build());

    public Mono<ResponseEntity<Post>> get(@PathVariable UUID id) {
        return this.posts.findById(id)
                .map(post -> ResponseEntity.ok().body(post))


The @RequiredArgsConstructor will append a constructor with the final fields as parameters at compile time.

public PostController(PostRepository posts;) {
    this.posts = posts;

Spring supports injection via constructor for the constructor with parameters if the class has one and only such one constructor.

The PostSummary contains the essential info of a Post, esp. title.

public record PostSummary(UUID id, String title) {

Add a method into the PostRepository.

interface PostRepository extends R2dbcRepository<Post, UUID>{

    public Flux<PostSummary> findByTitleLike(String title, Pageable pageable);

Notes, in the reactive Repository, it accepts a Pageable as the last parameter in the method parameter list, but it does not return a Page object as result. To get the count of the total elements, you should use another count query like the following.

interface PostRepository extends R2dbcRepository<Post, UUID>{
    // ...
    public Long countByTitleLike(String title);

The /posts endpoint get all posts that only includes post titles, binary data in the JSON will be displayed as unrecognized characters.

It is better to use a standalone endpoint to save and read binary data.

Add two endpoints methods to handle attachment upload and download.

public Mono<ResponseEntity> upload(@PathVariable UUID id,
                                        @RequestPart Mono<FilePart> fileParts) {

    return Mono
            .zip(objects -> {
                        var post = (Post) objects[0];
                        var filePart = (DataBuffer) objects[1];
                        return post;
                    fileParts.flatMap(filePart -> DataBufferUtils.join(filePart.content()))
            .map(saved -> ResponseEntity.noContent().build());

public Mono<Void> read(@PathVariable UUID id, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    return this.posts.findById(id)
            .map(post -> Mono.just(new DefaultDataBufferFactory().wrap(post.getAttachment())))
            .flatMap(r -> exchange.getResponse().writeWith(r));

Create an integration test to verify the file upload and download progress.

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class IntegrationTests {

    private int port;

    private WebTestClient webClient;

    public void setup() {
        this.webClient = WebTestClient.bindToServer()
                .baseUrl("http://localhost:" + this.port)
                .codecs(clientCodecConfigurer ->

    public void willLoadPosts() {

    public void testUploadAndDownload() {
        var locationUri =
                .bodyValue(new CreatePostCommand("test title", "test content"))

        log.debug("location uri: {}", locationUri);

        var attachmentUri = locationUri + "/attachment";

        var responseContent = this.webClient.get()

        assertThat(new String(responseContent)).isEqualTo("test");

    private MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> generateBody() {
        MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
        builder.part("fileParts", new ClassPathResource("/foo.txt", IntegrationTests.class));


In the above codes, WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT ensure the test application is running at a random port. The enableLoggingRequestDetails(true) is to display the HTTP request/response details when sending a request. The generateBody() method is used to prepare a test-purpose file multipart form.

The complete sample codes are shared on my Github account.