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Testing Repository

Symfony provides a test-pack to simplify the configuration for running tests.

Installing Testing Tools

Run the following command to install PHPUnit and Symfony test-pack.
The test-pack will install all essential packages for testing Symfony components and add PHPUnit configuration, such as phpunit.xml.dist.

An simple test example written in PHPUnit.

class PostTest extends TestCase

    public function testPost()
        $p = PostFactory::create("tests title", "tests content");

        $this->assertEquals("tests title", $p->getTitle());
        $this->assertEquals("tests content", $p->getContent());
        $this->assertNotNull( $p->getCreatedAt());

Symfony provides some specific base classes(KernelTestCase, WebTestCase, etc.) to simplfy the testing work in a Symfony project.

Testing PostRepository

Create a test class PostRepositoryTest, make it extends from KernelTestCase.

class PostRepositoryTest extends KernelTestCase

    private EntityManagerInterface $entityManager;

    private PostRepository $postRepository;

    protected function setUp(): void
        //(1) boot the Symfony kernel
        $kernel = self::bootKernel();
        $this->assertSame('test', $kernel->getEnvironment());
        $this->entityManager = $kernel->getContainer()

        //(2) use static::getContainer() to access the service container
        $container = static::getContainer();

        //(3) get PostRepository from container.
        $this->postRepository = $container->get(PostRepository::class);

    protected function tearDown(): void

    public function testCreatePost(): void
        $entity = PostFactory::create("test post", "test content");

        $byId = $this->postRepository->findOneBy(["id" => $entity->getId()]);
        $this->assertEquals("test post", $byId->getTitle());
        $this->assertEquals("test content", $byId->getContent());


The KernelTestCase contains all facilities to bootstrap the application kernel and provides service container in tests.

In the above codes, there is a setUp function which is used to prepare the testing environment before running the tests.

In this function, it boots up the application kernel. After it is booted, a test scoped Service Container is available, you can fetch the managed service in the container.

Here we retrieve EntityManagerInterface and PostRepository from service container.

In the testCreatePost function, it persists a Post entity firstly, then find this post by id and verify the title and content fields.

Currently, PHPUnit does not include PHP 8 Attribute support, the testing codes looks like the legacy JUnit 4 code style.