Spring Data ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch is well known as a search engine, also working well as document based NoSQL.

Spring Data ElasticSearch adds basic Reactive support.

Generate a project skeleton from Spring Intializr.


Create a Post class to present a document in ElasticSearch, and add a @Document annotation on the class level.

class Post {

    private String id;
    private String title;

    private String content;


Create PostRepository interface.

interface PostRepository extends ReactiveElasticsearchRepository<Post, String> {

For the complete codes, check spring-reactive-sample/boot-data-elasticsearch.

Add some sample data via a CommandLineRunner bean or a ApplicationRunner bean.

public void init() {
	log.info("start data initialization  ...");
				.just("Post one", "Post two")
					title -> this.posts.save(Post.builder().title(title).content("content of " + title).build())
			() -> log.info("done initialization...")


To run the application, you have to serve a running ElasticSearch server firstly.

docker-compose up elasticsearch