Handing Web Exceptions

We have know when exposing RESTful APIs, we can choose between @RestController and RouterFunction.

The former is simple. If you have some experience with Spring WebMvc, it is easy to update your knowledge. Just need to use newer Reactor specific Mono and Flux instead in your codes.

The exception handling in reactive @RestController is similar to the one in WebMVC.

  1. Create an Exception class.

    public class PostNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
        public PostNotFoundException(Long id) {
            super("Post:" + id +" is not found.");
  2. Throw exception in your codes.

    @GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
    public Mono<Post> get(@PathVariable(value = "id") Long id) {
        return this.posts.findById(id).switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new PostNotFoundException(id)));
  3. Create a standalone @ControllerAdvice annotated class or @ExceptionHandler annotated method in your controller class to handle the exceptions.

    class RestExceptionHandler {
        ResponseEntity postNotFound(PostNotFoundException ex) {
            log.debug("handling exception::" + ex);
            return notFound().build();

@RestControllerAdvice only works for @RestController .

If you are using RouterFunction, create a WebExceptionHandler bean to handle it manually.

public WebExceptionHandler exceptionHandler() {
    return (ServerWebExchange exchange, Throwable ex) -> {
        if (ex instanceof PostNotFoundException) {
            return exchange.getResponse().setComplete();
        return Mono.error(ex);

NOTE: WebExceptionHandler is a low-level API, also works well for the exception handling in the former controller case.

For the complete codes, check spring-reactive-sample/exception-handler and spring-reactive-sample/boot-exception-handler .