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What's New in Jakarta Persistence 3.1

Compare to JPA 3.0, JPA 3.1 just brings several small enhancements.

Here we list some highlights in JPA 3.1

UUID Basic Type Support

Firstly UUID is now treated a basic type. Some JPA providers, such as Hibernate and EclipseLink have supported UUID for a long time, and now it finally becomes part of the standard specification.

For the database that has built-in UUID data type, such as PostgreSQL, an UUID field or property is stored as an UUID data type in database directly. For those databases do not support UUID, the JPA provider could provide a solution to map an UUID value to a varchar type or an equivalent data type in the database.

UUID is usually used as ID of an entity. In JPA 3.0 or the earlier versions, Hibernate and EclipseLink provides their specific generators for UUID. JPA 3.1 introduces a new standard ID generation strategy for UUID type - UUID.

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.UUID) private UUID id;

Extensions of JPQL and Criteria APIs

JPA 3.1 ports several functions that existed in SQL to JPQL and Criteria APIs, including:

  • Numeric functions
  • Java 8 DateTime(JSR310) specific functions
  • A standardized EXTRACT function

Numeric Functions

SQL standards defines a collection of math functions, in JPA 3.1, several functions are standardized as part of JPQL and Criteria APIs.

JPQL Function CriteriaBuilder Method Description
CEILING(arithmetic_expression) ceiling() Returns the ceiling of its argument: that is, the smallest integer greater than or equal to its argument.
EXP(arithmetic_expression) exp() Returns the exponential of its argument: that is, Euler's number e raised to the power of its argument.
FLOOR(arithmetic_expression) floor() Returns the floor of its argument: that is, the largest integer greater than or equal to its argument.
LN(arithmetic_expression) ln() Returns the natural logarithm of its argument.
POWER(arithmetic_expression, arithmetic_expression) power() Returns the first argument raised to the power of its second argument.
ROUND(arithmetic_expression, arithmetic_expression) round() Returns the first argument rounded to the number of decimal places given by the second argument.
SIGN(arithmetic_expression) sign() Returns the sign of its argument: that is, 1 if its argument is positive, -1 if its argument is negative, or 0 if its argument is zero.

Java 8 DateTime Functions

The existing CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMPSTAMP functions are mapped the old java.util.Date or java.sql.Date. To align with Java 8 DateTime APIs, new functions LOCAL DATE, LOCAL TIME and LOCAL DATETIME are added in JPA 3.1 which return LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime from the java.time package.

JPQL Function CriteriaBuilder Method Description
LOCAL DATE localDate() Returns current local date as defined by the database server.
LOCAL DATETIME localDateTime() Returns current local date and time as defined by the database server.
LOCAL TIME localTime() Returns current local time as defined by the database server.

EXTRACT Function

In SQL, the extract function can be applied on a datetime expression or function to return a number that stands for a part of the datetime. This function is now working in JPQL, it can also be used on a Java 8 DateTime field or property.

EXTRACT(datetime_field FROM datetime_expression)

EXTRACT returns an integer if the datetime_field is one of the following value.

DateTime Field Description
YEAR returns the calendar year.
QUARTER returns the calendar quarter, numbered from 1 to 4.
MONTH returns the calendar month of the year, numbered from 1.
WEEK returns the ISO-8601 week number.
DAY returns the calendar day of the month, numbered from 1.
HOUR returns the hour of the day in 24-hour time, numbered from 0 to 23.
MINUTE returns the minute of the hour, numbered from 0 to 59.

EXTRACT returns a float if the datetime_field is SECOND, which will return the second of the minute, numbered from 0 to 59, including a fractional part representing fractions of a second.

Other Improvements

JPA 3.1 also includes some small improvements, such as EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager now implement AutoClosable interface. Thus you can use them in a try-resources block.

try(EntityManagerFactory emf=...) {


try(EntityManager entityManager=...) {


There is a full list to summarize all changes brought in JPA 3.1.

In the next sections, we will create a simple Java project with Hibernate and a standard Jakarta Web project to experience the new features in JPA 3.1.

Last update: 2023-11-26